Data structures and performance

ITEC 3160 Python Programming for Data Analysis,
Cengiz Günay

(License: CC BY-SA 4.0)

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Time complexity, big-O notation

  • General idea: time it takes for an algorithm to run.
  • Complexity: the number of steps involved in a process or pieces that make up a system ?

Complexity makes a difference in everyday use:

Fast and high quality services vs
those that lag, crash, and are unreliable

Big-O is calculated based on input size

  • In data analytics, we will often work with large amounts of data
  • Performance of algorithms matter more with large data

Does this algorithm scale up when it is given a large input?

  • Therefore, $O()$ notation indicates growth of time with an input, n

Definitions: Big-O notation

  • $O(1)$: constant time, independent of input size, $n$
    (e.g. getting an item from an array with an index)
  • $O(\log(n))$: less than linear, exponent of $n$’s growth
    (e.g., binary tree search; $log_2(4)=2$, $log_2(16)=4$)
  • $O(\sqrt{n})$: more than log, less than $n$ (e.g., process one row of matrix data)
  • $O(n)$: linear time with size (e.g. summation of every element in list)
  • $O(n^k)$: polynomial time ($k$: constant) (e.g., nested loops over whole input)
  • $O(2^n)$: exponential time (worst case; e.g., finding best route between two points)

Common algorithms

  • Index lookup: $O(1)$
  • Hash lookup: $O(1)$ (in Python: dict and sets)
  • Binary search: $O(\log_2 n)$
  • Search in array: $O(n)$
  • Find prime numbers: $O(\sqrt{n})$
  • Nested loops: $O(n^k)$
  • Find diFFeRent cAPiTAlizations of words: $O(2^n)$


  • Select one complexity option from below
  • Write an example program with your teammates
  • Each team must work on a different option
  • First come first serve
  • One person submits team work


  • O(1)
  • O(log(n))
  • O(sqrt(n))
  • O(n)
  • O(n^2)
  • O(n^3)
  • O(2^n)

Bitwise operators

Can you solve word capitalizations using binary numbers?

Take advantage of binary representation of computers!

Bitwise operators in Python :

  • & AND
  • | OR
  • >>, << shifting bits to right or left, resp
  • ~ complement (negate)
  • ^ exclusive-OR (XOR)


x & 4  # will be non-zero only if x has 3rd bit on
x | 15 # will turn on lower 4 bits
x >> 4 # shift x by 4 bits to the right (faster than dividing by 2)
x & ~x # will always be 0
x ^ x  # will always be 0

Big-O can also apply memory size

  • Same idea: $O(1)$, $O(n)$, etc
  • Hashing usually requires additional space
  • Do not use complex data structures unnecessarily!

Constant time: The holy grail

Why does indexing an array take constant time, $O(1)$?

  • In homogeneous arrays, each item takes the same memory space!
  • You can multiply the index by item size to find offset of item: $$ \mathsf{Item~{}at~{}index~{}} i = \mathsf{array~{}starting~{}address} + i * \mathsf{size~{}of~{}one~{}item} $$

Hint: In Python, list can contain heterogeneous items, but each item is an object reference that take up equal space.

What’s hashing?

  • hash is a math function that can calculate a number out anything
  • the number would be unique (or close to) for each input
    hash("hello") -> 46487
  • hash number can be used (with some tricks) as an index
  • then you can use the index instead of searching with $O(1)$

Other uses:

  • Comparing complex objects
  • Sorting (only for values)
  • Checksumming internet download packages

About sets


  • faster lookup times
  • ensures uniqueness of items
  • awesome methods (union, intersection, difference)


  • uses more memory
  • slower to build and append to than a list

Exercise time! Choose one:

Compare speed of:

  1. the programs you wrote in last exercise; compare different input sizes
  2. list vs set operations:
    1. Searching an item OR
    2. Appending an item
  3. finding common elements between two lists by:
    1. writing an $O(n^2)$ algorithm AND
    2. using set operations (hint: intersection)

To find speed:

  1. Initialize a long list, then create a set from it
  2. Start a timer
  3. Loop a large number of times (e.g. 100,000)
  4. Put only one operation inside the loop to measure (e.g., "hello" in my_list)
  5. Stop the timer and find elapsed time
  6. Report time per operation by dividing with repeat multiplier you selected above

OR use defbench that GGC graduate Shaun Mitchell made!

Example program to measure performance

Use local computer because cloud run times vary (individual submission only)


  • Copy the code below to a file on your computer and download Python to run it
  • Change the operation to compare as described on slides
  • Run the code locally and note the timing of the two different operations
  • In your submission, include your resulting times with an explanation

Examples on how to create a long list:

  • [ "test" + str(x) for x in range (10) ]
  • paste a document as a string and then use .split(" ") to find words as a list


  • Use ("text" in list) operator to search in list and set
  • No need to write full if statements - instead just execute the condition
  • Increase max_repeat to millions to see a difference
  • Seach for items that are towards the end of the list for worst case
import time

start = time.time()
repeat = 0
max_repeat = 1000
while repeat < max_repeat:
    # do something you want to measure here
    a = 200**2
    repeat += 1
print("It took", "{:.10}".format((time.time() - start)), "seconds total")
print("It took", "{:.10}".format((time.time() - start) / max_repeat), "seconds per operation")

Prev - Recursion, Next - Working with vector data
