Object Oriented Programming

ITEC 3160 Python Programming for Data Analysis,
Cengiz Günay

(License: CC BY-SA 4.0)

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What is object oriented programming?

  • Analogy to way we interact with objects in real world
  • A component-oriented approach
  • Promotes reusability

OOP: encapsulation and data abstraction

  • Two of the fundamental pillars of OOP
  • Data and functions (methods) go together
  • Unimportant details of code are hidden

OOP in Python

Module 3 from Python Essentials 2 (old resource: HyperSkill )

  • Constructors
  • Class attributes
  • Instance attributes
  • Calling class methods
  • Magic methods

Class activity: make your own class!

  • Teams of 2, pick a marker
  • Write code on a board that includes:
    • A class with a constructor
    • One or more method functions
    • Make sure to have some class attributes that serve a purpose
    • Also have instance attributes
    • Create several instances of the class and call its methods to demonstrate

Class activity: now make it individually

No teamwork; change example below (not just the strings!):

  • create a new class, add one new method
  • have default parameters in constructor to set instance attributes
  • make use of class attribute, show usage examples
class Gunay:
  # class attributes
  classname = "python"
  school = "ggc"
  # constructor with instance attributes
  def __init__(self, firstname, lastname, pet, sport, vacation):
    self.firstname = firstname
    self.lastname = lastname
    self.pet = pet
    self.sport = sport
    self.vacation = vacation

  # additional method
  def greeting(self):
    print("Hello, I am " + self.firstname + " " + 
          self.lastname + " and I like " + self.sport +
          " while I am vacationing at " + self.vacation)
    print("I'm in the " + self.classname + " course at " + self.school + " like everyone else.")

Inheritance and Polymorphism

  • The last two fundamental pillars of OOP
  • Inheritance: subclasses inherit methods and attributes
  • Polymorphism: all subclasses can be used interchangably, regardless of implementation details
  • Inheritance
  • The super() method
  • Overriding methods
  • Decorators
  • Abstract classes
  • Multiple inheritance
  • Polymorphism

Class activity: polymorphism

  • Teams of 2, pick a marker
  • Write code on a board that includes:
    • A parent class and 2-3 child classes
    • Create parent class method to be overloaded in the children
    • Implement different versions of method in child classes
    • Use super() at least once
    • Demonstrate calling the method in children object instances to show different outcomes
    • Must have a meaning!

Class activity: inherit!

Work individually, follow instructions:

  • Create a subclass of the PythonClass below
  • Use the super() method in your constructor
  • Add any additional attributes into your class about yourself
  • Modify the __str__ method to compose a message about yourself
  • Finish by creating an instance of your class
  • Call the __str__ method with your instance
class PythonClass:
  school = "GGC"
  degree = "IT"
  classname = "ITEC 3160"
  members = []

  def __init__(self, fname, lname):
    self.fname = fname
    self.lname = lname
    self.member = "student"

  def __str__(self):
    return self.fname + " " + self.lname + " (" + self.member + ")"