
ITEC 4400/2160 Python Programming for Data Analysis,
Cengiz Günay

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What is recursion

  • Reusing a function
  • Calling itself
  • Similar to a loop
  • But not linear, instead it could be exponential

Why recursion

What is the advantage over loops?

  • Divide-and-conquer type problems
  • Tree search
  • Sorting
  • etc.

Designing a recursive algorithm

  1. Do you have a Matroshka doll situation? Identify the part in your problem that repeats and when that happens.
  2. Identify when the recursion ends. What is the condition that stops it?

Example: Factorial

  1. Repeating pattern: each time multiply with one less number $$f(n)=n\times f(n-1)$$
  2. End condition: we stop at 1 $$f(1)=1$$

Classic example: factorial

For demo purposes only, see actual activity on next slide.

Class activity: Solve ONE of these problems

  1. Inorder Traversal (HackerRank)
  2. Preorder Traversal (HackerRank)
  3. Postorder Traversal (HackerRank)


  1. Height of binary tree (HackerRank)
  2. Binary search tree insertion

Post your solution link on Piazza.

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